Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Responsibility"
    The Price of freedom is always responsibility.
  • "Full Stop"
    To use punctuation marks on paper is easy but can you put a full stop to waste thoughts?
  • "ALWAYS"
    If you ALWAYS do your best, you will be free from regrets.
  • "Greater"
    To give money in charity is good, but to be a pure and a charitable soul is far greater.
  • "Elevated"
    If you keep your vision elevated, your chin will automatically keep up.
  • "Opportunity"
    If you miss an opportunity, do not cloud your eyes with tears. Keep your vision clear so that you will not miss the next one.
  • "Peaceful"
    The more you understand yourself, the easier it is to remain happy and peaceful.
  • "Education"
    Continuing education is a basic ingredient for continuing success.
  • "Remember"
    Remember! The conduct of the parents is an education to the children.
  • "Hope"
    Never lose hope. Hope is a rope that swings you through life.