Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Identity"
    If a drop of water falls in lake there is no identity.But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shine like a choose the best place where you would shine?..!!
  • "Moment"
    Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed!
  • "God"
    God Gives every bird its food, But he does not throw it into its nest?..
  • "Positive Results"
    To create more positive results in your life, replace if only with next time.
  • "Life"
    Never take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway!
  • "Vision"
    Companies are not driven by vision
  • "Satisfied"
    You say, ?If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.? You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.
  • "Fail"
    Dont be afraid to fail because only through failure do you learn to succeed.....
  • "Remember"
    Remember your yesterdays
  • "Supervision"
    Good supervision is the art of getting average people to do superior work.