Mr. Sunil Bhavanasi Asst Vice President at GENPACT, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India at Asst Vice President at GENPACT, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Top Qualities
Mr. Sunil Bhavanasi is an extremely Friendly Person with a very professional Approach .We are Thankful to him for Introducing His brother Who’s Portfolio is also Taken care By Our Team
Dated: 22 Apr 2015
Client Since: 2015
1: What Was The Best Thing About Our Association?
Answer: Very Detailed Approach on Financial Planning By Team Sanghi.
2: What Was Something You Have Been Not Been Happy About Our Associaton?
Answer: N/A
3: What Made You Buy From Us For The First Time?
Answer: Approach was more to secure mine & my families future.
4: How Can We Make Our Relationship Stronger?
Answer: I have got what I asked for from Team Sanghi. More Comparison Sharing On various investments should be done.
5: What Changes Do You Advise To Make Our Team Better If Any?
Answer: Service has been Excellent. Sanghi Team was there when required. Mr. Gurmeet was very supportive.
6: How Do You Want Us To Improve Our Service?
Answer: N/A
7: Where Would U Like To See Our Association 10 Years From Now?
Answer: Definitely Looking forward to a long term Association. Financial stability down the line with the help of Team Sanghi at Lower cost.
8: Feedback, If Any?
Answer: More Comparisons with other service providers.
9: Rate-1-5(1being Excellent)
Answer: 2
10: What Was The Most Unique /Special Featur/Competetive Advantage About Our Association
Answer: Analysis done On my Finances & Guidance for a Brighter Financial Future.