Mr. Chandramouli Vijjhala Chief Information Officer, GE, Bangalore, India at Chief Information Officer, GE, Bangalore, India
Dated: 9 Jul 2015
Source: Http://Www.Linkedin.Com
Client Since: 2011
1: What Was The Best Thing About Our Association?
Answer: Personalization of Team Sanghi+Team goes through the pain of making a relationship+Follow up of Team Sanghi is too good…
2: What Was Something You Have Been Not Been Happy About Our Associaton?
Answer: N/A
3: What Made You Buy From Us For The First Time?
Answer: Have not met any Financial Consultant before meeting Sanghi Consultancy , except who came from banks who never gave a complete picture of my finances -Team Sanghi worked on goals and gave a very methodical approach to manage my finances ..
4: How Can We Make Our Relationship Stronger?
Answer: Would be more comfortable if The presence would be in Bangalore city .Though I m comfortable connecting on face time /Skype .
5: What Changes Do You Advise To Make Our Team Better If Any?
Answer: All possible options should be put upfront , rather than coming straight to the solution.
6: How Do You Want Us To Improve Our Service?
Answer: Will update once I see changes in short term products bought.
7: Where Would U Like To See Our Association 10 Years From Now?
Answer: Where Team Sanghi knows more about my finance than myself.
8: Feedback, If Any?
Answer: The sms comes from a system to which I am unable to reply , If that can be improved would be easier to communicate.
9: Rate-1-5(1being Excellent)
Answer: 1.5
10: What Was The Most Unique /Special Featur/Competetive Advantage About Our Association
Answer: Team had all the info of all investments when we reconnected after 4 years of gap+Team Sanghi works on building the relationship is proven by this effort.