Mrs. JASIA HASAN Senior Trainer Communication Development at HSBC, Hyderabad Area, India at Senior Trainer Communication Development at HSBC, Hyderabad Area, India
Top Qualities
Mrs. JASIA HASAN is extremely Friendly, Professional with a very helpful Attitude.Being A Working Woman of an Infant Knows How to balance Work & Family Well.
Dated: 8 Aug 2016
Client Since: 2016
1: What Was The Best Thing About Our Association?
Answer: Customer Service, Friendly Team, In spite of Lack of time Sanghi Team had patience to work on with me, was Easy in the Entire Processing.
2: What Was Something You Have Been Not Been Happy About Our Associaton?
Answer: Split of Investments was not fine, would Prefer to have only Investment.
3: What Made You Buy From Us For The First Time?
Answer: Good Reviews For Team Sanghi, My Friend also recommended.
4: How Can We Make Our Relationship Stronger?
Answer: To keep in touch and regularly update on investments.
5: What Changes Do You Advise To Make Our Team Better If Any?
Answer: Team Sanghi was very customer friendly & patient no issues as of now.
6: How Do You Want Us To Improve Our Service?
Answer: Nothing as of now.
7: Where Would U Like To See Our Association 10 Years From Now?
Answer: Go to the next Level with Team Sanghi, Have More Investments, Regular Advise, Looking to Have a Long Term Association.
8: Feedback, If Any?
Answer: Nothing as of now.
9: Rate-1-5(1being Excellent)
Answer: 2
10: What Was The Most Unique /Special Featur/Competetive Advantage About Our Association
Answer: Team Sanghi is very Accessible, Single Point of Contact, other Companies like Tata AIG there are new People calling every time.