Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Wish You All Best of Luck.."
    The object of a New Year is not that you have everything.....
  • "Better"
    Those who try to do something and FAIL.... are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and Succeed.....
  • "Story"
    When writing the story of your Life for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.....
  • "Success"
    There are no secrets to success. It is there result of preparation
  • "Greatest Danger"
    The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high & and we miss it but that it is too low and we reach it....
  • "Hope"
    Sometimes thats all you have when you have nothing else. If you have it it gives you back. Do not hate anybody. The hatred which comes out from you will someday comeback to you. love others. And love will comeback to you....
  • "Responsibility"
    Responsibility is not inherited
  • "Dream"
    It is difficult to say what is impossible but we can always learn the lesson to make things better next time......
  • "Celebration"
    If you think positively..Sound becomes Music..Movement Becomes Dance..Smile Becomes Laughter..Mind Becomes Meditation..And Life Becomes a Celebration
  • "Enjoy the Life"
    Nothing is old You can Make it so.....