Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Negative Thoughts"
    Man knows the comma and full-stop of language. He knows not the full-stop of negative thoughts.
  • "God and Time"
    The two greatest healers are God and Time.
  • " Blissful Life"
    Balance is the real foundation of a blissful life. Keep this always in mind and your present and future will always remain bright.
  • "Morality"
    Morality and virtue are more precious than gems; they give satisfaction to man
  • "Jealousy"
    If I am always comparing myself with other human beings
  • "Loveful"
    It does not cost a penny; to speak loveful as you desire to have. No more be imaginative and resourceful.
  • "Speech and Actions"
    Your thoughts as you are about your own success.
  • "Laziness"
    Those who remain very happy will never have internal laziness. Laziness is a great vice.
  • "Recover"
    We may recover from slip of the foot but a slip of the tongue leaves a deep imprint.
  • " Imaginative"
    It requires great power to make the best use of time that is in your hands. Therefore pure thoughts light and refreshed.