Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Silence"
    Silence gives rest to the mind and this means giving rest to the body. Sometimes rest is the only medicine needed.
  • "Cheerfulness"
    Cheerfulness is the beauty of the face. He who is sullen is really ugly.
  • "Gentleness"
    Nearness to God is sustained by the twin virtues of gentleness and humility.
  • "Knowledge"
    If knowledge is wealth
  • "Weakness"
    If you have to use a stern eye
  • "Energy"
    When you are angry
  • "Memory"
    If through some error yesterday was lost in grief moral and spiritual values
  • "Divine"
    Divine virtues bring man nearer to God Just imagine how much fortune there is in every moment.
  • "Forget Them"
    The four things that have spoiled your life are : I and Mine
  • "Solve all Problems"
    Now is the time to act and solve all problems and not to succumb to lame excuses.