Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Criticism"
    Before you point your finger of criticism at anyone else see how much dirt you have under your finger-nail.
  • "Growth"
    When there is growth hanges are automatic. If I fear change
  • "Unity"
    Is it possible to have unity in a nation when each one feels that he is better than his neighbour?
  • "Character"
    If wealth is lost nothing is lost; if health is lost
  • "Time"
    Time is life. Wasting time is wasting ones life.
  • "Disappointed"
    If I rely on too many people I increase my chances of being disappointed.
  • "Sweetness"
    No matter how bad a person may be he must be possessing at least one virtue. Be like the humming bird and pick the sweetness of virtues.
  • "Attract"
    Be the magnet of peace so that you can attract peaceless souls.
  • "Smile"
    Sometimes a smile can be like a drop of water in a desert.
  • "Competition"
    Good, clean competition is healthy but jealousy is a fatal illness.