Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Clean Minded Person"
    A good clean minded person sees the good points of others. A dirty minded person is always looking for dirt.
  • "Trial"
    It is the hour of trial that makes men great not the hour of triumph.
  • "Hating a Man"
    If I avoid someone because of the colour of his skin it is the same as hating a man because of the clothes he wears.
  • "Burden"
    God has a broad back; if you have burden let Him take it from you.
  • "Spiritual Beauty"
    Physical beauty can be lost with marks of age or through accident. Spiritual beauty cannot be destroyed.
  • "Tallent"
    If someone has a special talent and uses it for evil it will change into a handicap.
  • "Force"
    Sometimes we force others to change because we want them to be how we want them to be.
  • "Possible"
    If a task is performed in the consciousness that God is my companion then the impossible is possible.
  • "Ability"
    The beauty of all things lies in your ability to appreciate them.
  • "Peace of Mind"
    The unbelieving man can have no peace and how can there be happiness for one who lacks peace of mind?