Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Love"
    If you love someone you try to be like that person is. If we love God should we not attempt to be Godly?
  • "Enjoy"
    If I enjoy praise it means I can be easily hurt by defamation.
  • "Honest"
    The one who is honest and has a true heart will always feel light and tension-free.
  • "Feeling"
    If a person hides his feelings is it because there is something wrong with his feeling?
  • "Time"
    Once you get used to doing nothing you find that there is no time left to become busy.
  • "Heart to God"
    If you give your heart to God you will not get heart attacks.
  • "Love"
    Everyone needs company. Do I have enough love to share my company with someone?
  • "Silence"
    Silence is not only the absence of sound but also stillness of the mind.
  • "Smiles"
    The fool wants others to see him; the wise man smiles in the audience.
    To UNDERSTAND something you need knowledge, but to FEEL it you need experience.