Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Solution"
    No matter how hard I worry about a problem, will my worried mind reach a solution?
    We all consider ourselves to be part of MANKIND... Yes, we ARE part of MAN, but how KIND are we?
  • "Knowledge"
    A simple way to remove fear is to seek knowledge and understanding.
  • "Weapons"
    Many people will want to quarrel and fight with you; realise that the only weapons you need are a smile and a loveful attitude.
  • "Moral values"
    If & a society loses its moral values, it loses everything.
  • "Knowledge"
    By acquring much wordly knowledge you could develop arrogance; with spiritual study there is greater and greater humility
  • "Love for GOD"
    To have respect for self and love for God makes it easy to appreciate other human beings.
  • "Success"
    Success springs from calmness of the mind. It is a cold iron which cuts and bends hot iron
  • "KEY"
    To have balance in all situations is the key to Happiness & & &
    What causes the most pain-the mistake or the criticism for the mistake?