Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Faith"
    Faith is not hoping something will happen & but believing as if it has already happened.
  • "Assets"
    Why not spend your assets during your lifetime and have them replaced when you die?
  • "Planning"
    Did you know that people spend more time planning their vacations than they do their financial futures?
  • "Discipline"
    Any time you apply the discipline of long hours and seeing lots of people you cant help but succeed.
  • "Powerful"
    The most powerful warrior is the one who conquers himself - Netzahualcoyotl.
  • "Taxes"
    Do you like paying taxes? & It may be better to give a small amount to me now than half to the govenment later.
  • "Business"
    To succeed at higher and higher levels we must continually expand our paradigms about our business and our lives.
  • "Tradition"
    Tradition was meant to be a rudder not an anchor.
  • "Greatness"
    A great person shows his or her greatness by the way they treat others.
  • "Dreams"
    Dreams are the most powerful energy.