Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Mind"
    "Like golf, closing is all in the mind."
  • "Fear"
    "Tell me what you fear most: death or total disablement?"
  • "Answer"
    "Always answer objections, 'Yes but..."
  • "Best Job"
    "If you strive to do the best job you can to serve others, yours efforts will ultimately be recognized and rewarded."
  • "Happiness"
    "Be thankful for what you have while you are striving to achieve more, and you will greatly increase your chances of happiness."
  • "Adversity"
    " We learn and grow the most when we are struggling to overcome adversity."
  • "Planning"
    "Life protection planning pay off debts, creates and protects income streams. Estate planning transports wealth from on generation to the next."
  • "Time Control"
    " A time-control schedule is like a rudder on a ship."
  • "Life"
    "Life is a series of adjustments."
  • "Income"
    " If income isn't allocated, it will be spent."