Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Interviews"
    "Interviews to a salesman are what fertilizer is to the crops. They produce a better yield."
  • "Beginning"
    "Closing a case begins at the beginning.It begins with your first contact."
  • "Prospecting"
    "Life itself is but a numbers game-why should insurance prospecting be any different?"
  • "Ideas"
    "Ideas never work unless you do."
  • "Courage"
    "Courage means fighting past the fear and taking action."
  • "Boldly Creative"
    "Peak performers have the ability to be boldly creative in pressure-packed situations."
  • "Flexible"
    " You must be flexible to succeed in the insurance business."
  • "Plan"
    " Tell me the day you are going to die and I'll tell you exactly the plan to buy."
  • "Life"
    " Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it."
  • "Time Management"
    " Time management is the key outside function of success"