Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Powerful"
    '' The most powerful warrior is the one who conquers himself - Netzahualcoyoutl''
  • "Paying Taxes"
    Do you like paying taxes? It may be better to give a small amount to me now than half to the government later.l
  • "Shortage"
    There is no shortage of opportunity if you are willing to look where others haven't
  • "Higher"
    To succeed at higher and higher levels, we must continually expand our paradigms about our business and our lives.
  • "Rudder"
    Tradition was meant to be a rudder, not an anchor.
  • "Great"
    A great person shows his or her greatness by the way they treat others.
  • "Won"
    You won't know if you won if you don't keep score.
  • "Expected"
    Being expected to work and stick to something until you get it done is exceedingly helpful.
  • "Energy"
    Dreams are the most powerful energy.
  • "Beginning"
    In the beginning, don't be too clever. Do what has worked for others, and have confidence that it will work for you also.