Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Music"
    Use the music system: Say your message over and over.
  • "Agree"
    No one has ever regretted saving money, and I've never met anyone who got to retirement and thought they had too much money. Would you agree?
  • "Question"
    If you want to know what someone thinks, ask them a question. If you want to know what someone believes, watch what they do!
  • "Decisions"
    Defending important decisions can sometimes be more difficult than making them.
  • "Shoulders"
    Let's take that weight and risk off your shoulders and put it on the insurance company's shoulders.
  • "Aggressively"
    A firm belief in the value of your product gives you the power to sell aggressively.
  • "Friendly"
    Take time to be friendly; it is the road to happiness.
  • "Harmonious"
    While you don't have to love the people you work with, it's very important to have a harmonious work experience.
  • "Rehearsal"
    Go for it! Life is not a dress rehearsal.
  • "Escape"
    The desire to escape from a negative situation can be an extremely powerful motivational force.