Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Industry"
    We need to keep an open mind, especially as fast as things are changing in our industry.
  • "DESIRE"
    ''The desire to escape from a negative situation can be an extremely powerful motivational force.''
  • "Elements"
    Hard work and determination are indispensable elements in the realization of any dream.
  • "Helping"
    Helping others grow and succeed can be one of the most exciting and energizing experiences in life.
  • "Survive"
    Life is not how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
  • "Protected"
    I would like to help you ensure that everything you care about is adequately protected.
  • "Foundation"
    Prospecting is not something anyone enjoys, but successful agents find a way to do it because they know it is the foundation of their success.
  • "Writing"
    If you love your wife, put it in writing.
  • "Interest"
    With bank interest rates at an all-time low, we should be selling twice as much life insurance.
  • "Describe"
    Always describe life insurance not for what is is, but for what it does.