Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Plan"
    Plan your work; work your plan.
  • "Goals"
    Measure your success by where you stand against your own goals not someone elses.
  • "Life"
    Life insurance is ALWAYS a top priority. There are people dying who have never died before.
  • "Family"
    If you re too busy to spend time with your family you re busy doing the wrong things.
  • "Great"
    Great success can com from inauspicious beginnings.
  • "Died"
    Do you know anyone who has died who had too much life insurance?
  • "Opposite"
    if you want to be noticed find out what everyone else is doing and do the opposite.
  • "Endurance"
    Theres no man that has endurance like the man who sells life insurance.
  • "Wisdom"
    Success often requires the courage to ignore popular wisdom or what the crowd is saying.
  • "Experience"
    When it & comes to learning to communicate persuasively there is no teacher quite like experience.