Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Situation"
    The reason there & are so many poor old people is because there are so many poor young people who never make a decision to change their financial situation.
  • "Reason"
    Is there any reason why we shouldnt go ahead with this today?
  • "Care"
    People have to know how much you care before they care how much you know.
  • "Darmatically"
    If you can keep your activity level high as your sales ability increases
  • "Asset"
    Why insure everything you own for what its worth except your life - your most important asset?
  • "Integrity"
    Integrity is the cornerstone of success. it cannot be purchased; it can only & be bestowed.
  • "Hard"
    By the yard its hard. By the inch
  • "Powerful"
    There is nothing more powerful than taking bold action when starting any endeavor.
  • "Priority"
    Insurance will never be a priority until it is too late.
  • "Debt."
    A debt should last no longher than the person who created it.