Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Comfort Zone"
    Achieving any significant goal requires having the courage to leave your comfort zone.
  • "Activity"
    Never underestimate the value of a small amount of organized activity.
  • "Presentation"
    The three most important letters in your sales presentation are : A-S-K.
  • "Objection"
    An objection is an opportunity to close.
  • "Truth"
    A half truth is a whole life.
  • "Idea"
    The idea that you have to come from a wealthy family or have ready-made contacts to succeed is ridiculous.
  • "Absorbs"
    Activity absorbs anxiety
  • "Taxes"
    Its not how much you leave your family its whats left after taxes.
  • "Opportunities"
    Life is about taking advantage of opportunities not handouts.
  • "Remember"
    People seldom remember what you said rarely remember what you did