Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Death"
    When you die there are three deaths : the husband
  • "Publicly"
    A commitment publicly made
  • "Mistaken"
    It is a mistaken kindness to provide so well today that inadequate provision is made for tomorrow.
  • "Valuable"
    The most valuable thing that any father can leave his children is their mothers time.
  • "Immerse"
    Immerse yourself in inspiration rather than information.
  • "Qualities"
    One of the most important qualities to look for when recruiting is the demonstrated capacity to overcome difficulties.
  • "Belief"
    It is our self-belief that determines the parameters for our achievements.
  • "Prospects"
    The best way to create a steady flow of prospects is to get the prospects to come looking for you to get the fish to jump into your boat.
  • "Unique"
    Ive come to appreciate the unique attributes of this complex product life insurance.
  • "Elevating"
    Elevating your thinking often elevates your results.