Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Money"
    One of two things is certain; youll live or die. If you live youll need money; if you die your family will.
  • "Expert"
    Life insurance is designed to relieve economic pressure and when applied by an expert always works.
  • "Living"
    An annuity places a premium on living and makes an older a desirable person to have around..
  • "Memories"
    Your widows most cherished memories of your good intentions will not pay the rent or the grocers bill.
  • "Object"
    Your wife may object to life insurance but buy it for your widow. Do you think she would object ?
  • "Risk"
    The only man who gambles on life insurance is the man who goes without it. He doesnt carry the risk his family does.
  • "Support"
    Most men buy life insurance because they once fell in love with a girl and decided to support her as long as she might live.
  • "Installment"
    The only thing a man can buy on the installment plan on which his widow wont have to finish the payments after he dies is life insurance.
  • "Planning"
    No man plans to be poor when he reaches his mid sixties: the trouble lies in not planning to be..
  • "Buying Life Insurance"
    Whatever excuse you may have now for not buying life insurance now will only sound ridiculous to your widow.