Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Privilege"
    Life insurance is a plan that exalts life and defeats death. It is the premium one pays for the privilege of living on after death!
  • "Cure"
    The CURE for dependence at sixty-five must be taken in the thirties..
  • "Complain"
    Have you ever heard a widow complain that her husband left her too much life insurance money!
  • "Lifetime"
    Life insurance enables a man to accomplish immediately what otherwise would be the work of a life time!
  • "Money"
    Life insurance makes your money work for you when you are through working for it!
  • "Health"
    You can borrow money to pay the premium but you cant borrow health to pass an insurance examination!
  • "Insurance"
    Show me a man who owns adequate life insurance and knows why he owns it, and I?ll show you a man who?s happy?.
  • "People"
    Some people Save to Create an estate. Life Insurance Creates an Estate immediately and helps Save..
  • "Home"
    If there is anything worse than a home without a mother, it is a mother without a home..
  • "Risk"
    The risk exists; its just a question of who holds the bag ? your wife and kiddies or the Life Insurance Company..