Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Leave"
    Leave your wife something that will take care of her instead of something she will have to take care of!
  • "Planning"
    People dont plan to fail they fail to Plan
  • "Right Time"
    People dont die at the right time. What makes you think it will be different for you!
  • "Life Insurance"
    If every wife knew what every widow know every husband would carry more life insurance!
  • "Balance"
    Life insurance is the only way you can balance your will if it doesnt balance now!
  • "Life Insurance"
    If you were to pass out tomorrow and you may
  • "Burden"
    The heaviest burden for a man to carry in the late afternoon of his life is an empty purse..
  • "Life Insurance"
    To buy life insurance you need the willingness to give up something today so your family wont have to give up everything tomorrow!
  • "Life time"
    Life insurance enables a man to accomplish immediately what otherwise would be the work of a life time!
  • "Money"
    Life insurance offers a man the only way where he can make his will before he makes his money..