Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Yourself."
    You cant take someone to the top of the mountain without getting there yourself.
  • "Client"
    I let the client talk - he may tell me something we both need to know.
  • "Insurance Agents"
    Insurance agents may be a dime a dozen but a good
  • "Confidence"
    Confidence and success build on each other in a continual upward spiral.
  • "Informed"
    The future will always belong to the informed.
  • "Cemeteries"
    The only people without problems are in cemeteries.
  • "Times"
    The highs are not high enough and the lows are too low at various times.
  • "Coverage"
    Make sure you have enough coverage and protection on yourself first.
  • "Smart Things"
    The problem with smart things that are easy to do is theyre also easy not to do.
  • "Enough"
    You win some and you lose some