Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Guarantee"
    See 15 people a week, and I guarantee you will be successful. Anything less and you may be. But 15 will guarantee it.
  • "Slam-Dunk"
    Slam-dunk your sales interview with a basic needs presentation.
  • "Early"
    A useless life is an early death.
  • "Successful"
    Successful people start out in life with the same disadvantages as the rest of us. They just find ways to turn their disadvantages into assets.
  • "Priorities"
    If you don't choose your priorities consciously and carefully, success in the insurance business can come at the expense of your personal life.
  • "Love"
    If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.
  • "Facts"
    Facts tell; emotion sells.
  • "Source"
    Do you have a source of tax-free income if you're sick or hurt or can't work.
  • "Steady"
    The best way to create a steady flow of prospects is to get the prospects to come looking for you, to get the fish to jump into your boat.
  • "Willing"
    If you are willing to do all that is asked of you, seldom will you be asked to do all you are willing to do.