Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Attitude"
    With the right attitude, hard work becomes a challenging adventure.
  • "Consequences"
    It's not the risk that is important-it's the consequences.
  • "Buck"
    Sometimes it pays to buck the system and follow your instincts.
  • "Enough"
    All you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is enough! Yet, the question that haunts us all is: Did you really give your very best and do all you could have done? Think about it.
  • "CARE"
    ''People have to know how much you care before they care how much you know.'
  • "Secure"
    Intelligent plans made today will make the future secure.
  • "Emphasize"
    Emphasize the things on which you agree. Get the other person saying 'yes, yes' immediately.
  • "Willing"
    The great successes in this business aren't doing anything anyone else can't do who is willing to be organized and take advantage of every minute, every hour of the day.
  • "''ACTIVITY''"
    ''If you can keep your activity level high, as your sales ability increases, your sales volume will rise dramatically''
  • "Longer"
    Working longer and harder than the norm greatly increases your chances of success.