Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Life"
    Do you know anyone who has died who had too much life insurance?
  • "Longer"
    A debt should last no longer than the person who created it.
  • "Mountain"
    You can't take someone to the top of the mountain without getting there yourself.
  • "Client"
    I Let the client talk- he may tell me something we both need to know.
  • "Pasture"
    When you are ready to go out to pasture, make sure that you own the pasture.
  • "Honest"
    Insurance agents may be a dime a dozen, but a good, honest agent is a penny a dollar.
  • "Effect"
    People working with other people have a multiplier effect.
  • "Belong"
    The future will always belong to the informed.
  • "Sold"
    In the life of an insurance agent, nothing happens until something is sold.
  • "People"
    The only people without problems are in cemeteries.