Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Willing"
    If a prospect sees that you are willing to invest in yourself, in your business and in technology, the sale is half made already.
  • "Growth"
    Is your liquidity growth keeping up with your estate growth.
  • "Better"
    It is better to sell one year too early than one day too late.
  • "Finding"
    Finding and filling an unmet need in the marketplace almost always leads to great success.
  • "Bills"
    A sale will pay your bills today; referred leads will keep you in the business tomorrow.
  • "Spend"
    Don't spend the money that makes money.
  • "Uncertainties"
    Life is full of uncertainties. The benefits of life insurance are not uncertain.
  • "Conserving"
    Most people think more about creating an estate than conserving an estate.
  • "Dies"
    It is a proven fact: Everybody dies.
  • "Client"
    You are the crucial link between your company and your clients.