Sanghi Consultancy - Your Personal Financial Planner

Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day
  • "Accumulating"
    The day you fall in love with what you are doing is the last day you will ever have to work.
  • "Business"
    Learn something new every day. & Our business is changing so quickly that you cant afford not to stay up to date.
  • "Taxes"
    The man who has done a good job of accumulating will need our product to pay for the cost of his success in taxes.
  • "Philosophy"
    Make compassion the essential foundation of your personal philosophy.
  • "Referrals"
    The best way to get referrals is to ask for them at every step in the sales process not just after delivering a policy.
  • "Teaches"
    Every Success makes me STRONG because it teaches me what to do.But every Failure makes me STRONGER because it also teaches me what not to do..
  • "Strength"
    Lead with your strengths never your weaknesses.
  • "Power"
    Inflation diminishes purchasing power. Death destroys it.
  • "Diversification"
    Diversification is sometimes a euphemism for distraction. The best path to success is a keen focus on your core business activities.
  • "Life is a SCHOOL"
    Life is & the hardest school as u never no what level of class u r in